Nevertheless, both husband and wife should view the marriage in terms of “we” or “ours” rather than “mine” and “me”. When both respect this “headship arrangement”, the family functions as it should. In order for any structure to function as it should, whether it is a business, organization or a family, there should always be someone in charge. Ephesians 5:22-24 it says that the husband is the head of the family. Secret 3 – Teamwork…The Bible identifies an arrangement within marriage. Are you committed to your marriage and to your mate? Albert Einstein was noted as saying, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” When each spouse has a sense of commitment to the marriage, then there is a feeling of security with each one trusting the loyalty of the other. When your marriage has difficulties, are you ready to bail out and leave? Are you truly committed to your mate? Too many view problems as a way out rather than an opportunity to grow. However, in order to be sure, measure your commitment against the backdrop of problems. Secret 2 – Commitment…Do you view your marriage as a permanent union? It’s easy to say yes. When both mates and parents can do this, it provides a rich loving atmosphere for the whole family. all take a back seat in relation to their spouse and kids. That means that their job, possessions, desires, friends, relatives, etc. A successful parent and spouse puts his or her family ahead of their self. Secret 1 – The Right Priorities…What comes first in your life? For successful families, everyone else is more important than anything else.
What is the secret to success that these families enjoy? There are 7. However, there are families that thrive and succeed. We always here about what goes wrong and the problems families face that cause these break ups.
The USA has one of the highest divorce rates in the world. So often families challenges and difficulties to the point that more than 50% of families in the USA break apart. Since I will only highlight what the magazine discusses, links are provided so that you may listen to an audio version in MP3 format or ACC format. It seemed fitting to me to write about this since so many families face trouble and it goes well with what I wrote yesterday. It is a special issue about succeeding in families. Yesterday I wrote about succeeding in relationships and then last night I received a copy of the October 2009 issue of Awake! magazine, a Bible based journal.